Acupuncture Clinic

Success Stories: Real-Life Testimonials

A month ago, I somehow pulled my back and was unable to walk. I was having a horrible time, simply hoping that the pain would go away because I did not have the time to go to a doctor to be referred to a chiropractor who would only "fix me" well enough for the next visit. When a friend suggested that I try acupuncture, I looked at her with a great deal of skepticism for the Eastern art, mostly because of my lack of knowledge, but I decided that it was worth a try and would only take an hour out of my day. I made an appointment with Dr. Fang, still with disbelief. Dr. Fang spent our time together in a very professional manner as he massaged my injured area and then proceeded with the acupuncture and cupping procedures. Much to my relief, there was no pain during any part of the process.
Lori Kupczynski

I had been bothered by my overweight and had tried different ways to lose weight without getting any positive effect. Then, one of my friends recommended me to go to an Acupuncturist for weight loss, so I did research on the Internet to compare many Acupuncturists. I finally decided to go to Dr. Fang’s Acupuncture & Massage Clinic, which I believe suited my needs. I went to see Dr. Fang for ear acupuncture for six times, and lost a total of 16 pounds. The ear acupuncture helped me control my appetite, improve my energy level, and relieve stress, so I felt great now, thanks to Dr. Fang.

Dr. Xiang Fang´s Effective treatment of my Allergy
I had severe food allergies for many years. There was hardly any food that I was able to eat without experiencing gastrointestinal problems, constant fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and muscle pain. When I moved to Edinburg, I found Dr. Fang´s website and read about the NAET treatment. At first, I was really skeptical about the treatment, but after a few treatments, I realized a change. I found that every time I finished a treatment, I could expand the range of foods I was able to eat without experiencing problems. I am very happy that I found out Dr. Fang and NAET! I highly recommend Dr. Fang and his allergy treatment to everyone who has allergies!
Christiane Doering

When I was 37 years old, I had been married for more than 10 years, but was not able to conceive. I was anxious and wanted to have a baby, so I sought treatments from different doctors, to no avail. Then, I did research online and found out that Dr. Fang had rich background and experience in treating infertility, so I decided to give it a try. Dr. Fang gave me Chinese herbal medicine for two weeks and did acupuncture treatments for me twice a week. After two months treatment, I got pregnant! Special thanks go to Dr. Fang for his effective treatment. We now have a son, and our family is so happy!

I have been bothered by my back pain for the past six years, and I tried all kinds of therapy but had not had much effect. My back hurt very frequently, and one of my relatives told me to go and see Dr. Fang. She said she had herniated disc and had gone to see Dr. Fang, who was able to cure her problem. She said she had not had back pain for a long time now. Going by her advice, I went to see Dr. Fang for acupuncture for 5 times and did cupping as well as massage twice, and all these treatments really had positive effects. I haven't had back pain for the past three months! I am very grateful to Dr. Fang and would recommend my friends to him!

To: Acupuncture & Massage Clinic
I was suffering from severe back pain. A friend of mine referred me to Dr. Fang´s Acupuncture & Massage Clinic. Since the pain was getting worse, I was ready to try anything, so I visited Dr. Fang. After a few visits, my pain was gone, and now I can enjoy my life with no back pain. I also have more energy to enjoy the things I like to do.
Thanks, Dr. Fang
Delfina Gonzalez

We had been married for 12 years, but we had not been able to have a child. We found out that it was due to the low sperm count. I had been to many doctors but had not seen any result. My wife had also tried IVF a few times, but these attempts again failed. We were filled with helplessness and anxiety, when we heard that the traditional Chinese medicine might help treat infertility. We went to Dr. Xiang Fang and received treatments in both acupuncture and Chinese herbs. The treatments had really helped! They had promoted the increase in the sperm count. We finally have a baby!
I am still continuing with the acupuncture and herbal treatments, as I am hoping to have a second child. I am so grateful to Dr. Fang. He is the one who brought joy and happiness to our family.

For about 4 years, my husband and I tried to conceive and had no results. I consulted with several medial professionals and underwent various painful and costly exams only to determine - "NOTHING". There did not seem to be anything specifically wrong with me. Yet month after month, I grew increasingly more frustrated, I was 34 when I decided to take matter seriously; I was determined to find a cure to my medical problem.
In May 2010, I read an online article about how acupuncture improves fertility and visited Dr. Fang in McAllen. In his office, I filled out a questionnaire about my medical history. He also looked at the contours of my tongue to determine my current state.I began a combination of acupuncture and herbal treatment right away. He also recommended a book to help me understand how acupuncture improves fertility.
I realized that if I wanted to address the infertility issue through a natural means such as acupuncture, it meant making adjustments to my body as a whole, not a specific area.I figured if I had spend years being infertile, therefore, the " restoration " process could be lengthy. But I knew I had to exercise patience as I had chosen the most non-invasive method to tackle my issues.
I identified certain factors of my reproductive cycle and made sure I visited Dr. Fang around that time to help stimulate those particular events. After several months of acupuncture sessions and herbal supplements, I began to notice an improvement with some of the chronic health problems I had had for years—like constipation, recurring urinary infections, and cystic acne. I`d even noticed an improvement with my energy level and emotional state. In addition, I changed some of my eating habits, took pre-natal vitamins, and continued taking the medications given to me by my OBGYN.
In July 2011, I walked into Dr. Fang`s office to inform him that I was 6 weeks pregnant and could not be happier. My hormonal composition had been reconditioned (as indicated in my blood tests and my OBGYN`s office). Looking back, I am glad that successfully becoming pregnant and restoring my overall health naturally through acupuncture (as opposed to IVF or insemination) worked for me. I like to share my experience with others who seem to be going through the same thing we did because many women are unaware of the health options.
My 38-week pregnancy ran smoothly. My symptoms were minimal and I would like to think that my body was well prepared for pregnancy. One healthy baby girl later, I have returned to Dr. Fang`s office for acupuncture, but this time it`s for relaxation purposes.
Sophia's Mother, 36

Dr. Xiang Fang,
My name is Dan Epstein. As you probably recall, I came to visit you for the first time about eighteen months ago with a swollen ankle. The swollen ankle happened about a year before as a result of stepping in a hole on an uneven dirt area during gardening. That involuntary movement caused my ankle to twist and resulted on a swollen muscle or tendon in my ankle.
For close to a year after this accident, I visited several doctors, including a foot surgeon that wanted to cut the wounded area and reconstruct the muscle to let it heal properly. I declined. I got cortisone shots to reduce the pain and inflammation so I could walk normally. But eventually the swelling returned and each time the pain became worst. Finally my wife convinced me to seek the help of acupuncture. Being a former scientist, this form of medicine was foreign to me and I approached it with great skepticism. But I did not have much to lose, so I tried.
After the first two sessions of acupuncture, I already felt better, and after another two I was so well that I did not return again. However, since we like to walk and travel, after a year and half the pain returned and a few sessions restored my foot to health. This time I expect to follow your advice and come to see you for sporadic tune-ups. I am confident it will maintain me fit enough to keep up with my wife without resorting to surgery or strong medicines (cortisone, etc).
Thank you very much for relieving my pain, and again allowing me to walk normally.
Dan (Danny) Epstein

I was 31 years old in December of 2007. I found myself wanting a baby...little did I know what lied ahead. I had become pregnant a couple of years earlier and miscarried. My doctor didn't seem too worried. He felt that it just wasn't the time, and that I would be able to conceive again. I hadn't been trying to get pregnant, so I went about my daily life never thinking about that again until December 2007. I become pregnant in February 2008 and miscarried before the fifth week. My doctor referred me to a fertility doctor and he performed several tests. Everything came back normal, so he said it might have just been bad luck. Then in April 2008 I became pregnant again, and I had miscarriage #3. In the summer of 2008 I started feeling desperate...I wanted a baby no matter what. So I found Dr. Fang. I had not told anyone, but after the third miscarriage I felt tired, bloated, and a constant back pain. I had seen that acupuncture worked on my husband's shoulder, so I went to talk to Dr. Fang. I explained what was going on with me, and he asked me a couple of questions, I answered yes to all of them. He told me he knew what the problem was and that if I just followed the treatment, I would be able to see results. After a couple of sessions, pills, and teas, he wished me luck and I was on my way. Just one month later, in August 2008 I saw those two little red lines I so badly wanted to see... "Of all the joys a woman will ever know, the greatest is the moment she becomes a mother." In April 2009 I experienced that for myself. I became a mom to a healthy and happy baby girl. Thank you, Dr. Fang, for helping me see what I never imagined I would see.
Sam's Wife